Scattering ashes of departed pets is another way for pet owners to pay homage to their beloved companions once they’ve crossed over the rainbow bridge.
Honouring our pets after they have passed is a great way to remember them and this process will also offer you some solace and reverence in the time you had with your loyal friend.
Losing a pet is one of the hardest things we go through as pet parents and it often seems impossible to consider these kinds of choices during times of grieving.
We’re here to help and offer some guidance so in this article, we’ll be covering the formalities of scattering ashes if you’re wondering, “Is it legal to scatter ashes in Australia?”.
We’ll also mention some of the best places to do it and how to go about it.

Source: Everplans
Scattering Ashes of Pets – What Does it Involve?
Once the cremation process is complete, you will receive the ashes of your loyal friend.
While many pet owners choose to keep the ashes in a pet memorial urn or remembrance plaque, many others prefer scattering the ashes of their deceased pets in special places or opting for a garden burial tribute using the ashes.
There are some formalities and regulations to be aware of, but these special tributes like scattering ashes can help elicit fond memories with our pets and provide some comfort after their passing.
Is It Legal to Scatter Ashes in Australia?
While pet owners generally don’t need official permission to scatter ashes at most Australian beaches or coastlines - parks, private properties, and water vessels do tend to have a little more regulation around the process.
In any situation, it is best to ensure a peaceful and trouble-free experience by complying with any local environmental protection authority guidelines.
If you would like to scatter your pet's ashes on private property or a landlord's property, it is best to get their permission first. If a special park is preferred, then we recommend getting the go-ahead from the Trust of Parks and Reserves or the local council for parks and beaches.
If you intend on scattering ashes off a boat, always check with the captain or master of the vessel beforehand.
So, is it legal to scatter ashes in Australia? Yes certainly. Just be sure to get permission from any overseeing authority ahead of time.
Where and How to Scatter Pet Ashes
I’m sure many locations are dear to you and your departed pet. Whether that be a public place like a park or walking area, your local beach, or your garden, pick a place that made you and your pet happy.
This decision is individual to every pet owner so take some time to find the perfect spot for you and your loyal companion.
Best Places for Scattering Pet Ashes
- Your favourite hiking or camping spot
- A special vacation destination
- Your garden in a burial box
- Your pet's favourite park
- Your local beach

Tips for Scattering Ashes
Try to choose a site that isn’t too close to any busy buildings or near people bathing, fishing, surfing, or tanning. It is also best to avoid scattering ashes on a windy day to avoid affecting people working or living nearby.
If you’re wondering how to scatter ashes at the beach or on water, try to spread them as close to the surface of the water as possible. When scattering your pets’ ashes, throw them below your waist or use a scattering tube or cremation urn to spread them with more diligence.
Should you opt for the burial of the ashes in your garden or elsewhere, you can simply dig a small hole in the ground as a resting place. Final resting sites can be embellished with a plaque or piece of memorabilia so long as you have the permission needed.
Frequently Asked Questions About Scattering Pet Ashes
Is it legal to scatter ashes in Australia?
While it is certainly legal to scatter pet ashes in Australia, we recommend first getting permission from any local counsel, governing body, or property owner. This will help to ensure a peaceful and trouble-free experience.
Do pet ashes need to be sealed?
We always suggest that pet ashes are always sealed inside an air-tight container. Whether that be a durable plastic bag for transport or a proper urn for long-term storage. If you choose to use an urn, placing the ashes in a plastic bag inside the urn can also ensure your pet's ashes are always safe should the urn break or suffer damage.
How to scatter ashes at the beach?
Beaches are a popular location for pet owners to disperse ashes of their deceased pets so just be sure to get permission from any local authorities if applicable. Try to scatter the ashes below your waist and avoid windy days as ashes could then disturb other beachgoers.
Is it legal to scatter ashes in the ocean in Australia?
If your departed pet loved the ocean, it is normal to want to choose the ocean water as the final resting place for your pet’s ashes. It is legal to do so, just be sure to get permission beforehand from the local council for parks and beaches.
How do you discreetly scatter pet ashes?
Cast them gently into the wind or ocean from a scattering tube or cremation urn. Just be sure to avoid any nearby people. Is it best to pick a secluded spot so you can enjoy the moment and honour your beloved pet.
How long after cremation should pet ashes be scattered?
You can take as much time as you need to prepare. Ashes can be scattered at any time after the cremation process so do it when it feels right for you.
Yes, Scattering Ashes of Your Pets is Legal
So, in conclusion, is it legal to scatter ashes in Australia? Yes. Scattering ashes of departed pets is certainly legal and a very common way in which pet owners globally say goodbye to their loyal companions. Just be sure to get the relevant permission beforehand.
We hope this article has shed some light on the dos and don’ts surrounding the process of scattering ashes so you can have a more peaceful and memorable goodbye.