Pet Palliative care is one option available to some pet owners if euthanasia is proposed as a last resort. While euthanasia for pets is only offered by vets when absolutely necessary, that necessity can often be due to practical or cost reasons, rather than immediate pain.
The decision is the same, and based on the long-term well-being of your pet, but the outcome might be different to if it was medically urgently necessary.
In this case, palliative care and at-home care for older pets is an option. Some providers are listed below, but it is by no means an exhaustive list.
Pet Palliative Care in Australia

Sunset Vets: (Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast)
Sunset Vets are specialist end of life vets, and have palliative centres all over Australia, offering advice and practical veterinary services to older pets in the final stages of life.
VetCare2U: (Brisbane)
VetCare2U is a general vet but with a specific palliative care programme. They are particularly useful if you access their services early, so they know your pet’s needs when you need them to begin a palliative care plan.
Horizon Palliative Vets: (Adelaide)
Horizon Palliative Vets are based in Adelaide, and offer home visits, digital appointments, and ongoing support for pets and their owners. They have excellent relationships with their clients, both human and animal, and make every stage of your palliative journey as straightforward as possible.
VETAround Sydney Mobile Vet Service: (Sydney)
VETAround (Sydney) aren’t specialists in palliative care but they are well placed for it. If euthanasia isn’t the right choice, but your pet is in their final days, their home visits can help you to keep track of your pet’s condition without the stress of practice visits.